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Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life

Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life

I first heard this quote years ago and I thought it couldn't be any more true at the time. I've had my fair share of jobs by now, some of which I strongly disliked, and always knew I wanted a job that I would enjoy so that I didn't feel like I'm wasting 50% of my time in a place I hate. It sounds like common sense but I always placed a higher emphasis on enjoying work, compared to my friends who had more of an ''if it pays the bills and I don't hate it, it's alright'' kind of attitude.

This fear of getting stuck in a job I hate made me really determined to switch careers and take the necessary steps to get to where I am now, which I must say is a much happier place. I already wrote about toxic workplaces and ways to deal with stress, so it's not difficult to guess that I have some experience in dealing with both! 

The thing is, I find my job extremely stressful at times but I've learned to accept it. It comes with the job and I try to keep sane by telling myself that I am not a doctor or a firefighter so I really shouldn't take everything so seriously and worry too much when I make a mistake.

What I'm trying to get at, is that liking your job is one thing, but there's so much more to this. For example, you might love what you do but might not agree with the company culture/policy, dislike your work colleagues or the atmosphere in the office. Unfortunately, you can only really find out what it's like when you're there for a couple of months as it doesn't usually come out in the recruitment stages.

So while I love my job, I'm still looking for that perfect company, a workplace that will appreciate and value their employees and where I will fit in. I really hope I find it and will be able to say that ''Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have to Work a Day in Your Life'' is a quote that reflects my reality.

Do you like what you do & where you work?



  1. That's very true and it also works the other way around sometimes. In the past I had a job that I hated but I loved the people working there and this made it more difficult to quit, so it's not always about the actual work but the environment plays a huge part in this too. Great post, keep it up.


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