It's been over a month since I last posted on my blog and oh how time flies when your life does a 180!
The big <c word> that we've all been hearing about non-stop since March has changed the way we work & function nowadays, and I thought now would be the perfect time to catch up on some blogging and a life-update.
In my last post, I chose to focus on the positives behind this current situation and spoke about personal growth and doing things that I wouldn't have time for before. Now, over a month later, I want to continue with this optimistic outlook and tell you about some great things that came out of these last few weeks.
If you're like me and haven't managed to write a novel or learn 3 new languages since the lockdown started, these small changes might be just the right source of inspiration or motivation for you! I guess it's also a great reminder that every small step counts & that we shouldn't feel pressured to achieve 10 years' worth of life-goals within 2 months like it seems to be the case for a lot of people on Instagram (it's not, trust me - we're doing just fine!)
Take a read of some of the 'positives' below and let me know how you're getting on too! :)
1. Nature is beautiful - too bad I haven't paid attention before
As someone who's more of a city girl, I never paid much attention to nature and, unless it's the Grand Canyon or something equally breathtaking, chances are that I won't really notice or appreciate what I'm seeing. With self-isolation limiting the time I could spend outside of my home, I almost had no choice but to start exploring my neighborhood. This was my way of getting some exercise into my day as well as a chance to actually see other human beings before I'd forget what they looked like in real life.
Over the course of the last 6 weeks, I visited a local park numerous times (probably more than I have over the last 10+ years that I've been living in this area) and, let me tell you that it ''hit different'' this last couple of times. I began appreciating every detail and every being in that park. Be it a colorful bird or a nice flower, it added on to my experience and made me look at things from a different perspective. Some pictures from my last walk below!
2. Watching TV with mum became a school-night treat
Like the majority of Millenials & Gen Zs', I'm not really a TV person and, with the limited time I had at home during the week (pre-isolation), I didn't want to waste my evenings watching the telly. Now, working from home means that I don't have to commute and have double if not triple the time on my hands - so why not watch some trashy TV and unwind that way? We all love a bit of drama really! But the best part has been doing so in my mum's company. Her remarks are always HILARIOUS and, as silly as this may sound, I love spending time with her that way.
3. No more early mornings
Pre-isolation, I would have to get up at 6:30am every morning to get to work on time. But now things are so so different (and for the better).
Stating at 9am every day, I get to wake up at 8:20ishh, take a refreshing shower, catch up on the news & grab breakfast before sitting down in front of my laptop. I love a sleep-in so this new way of life is really appreciated on my part! Also, the freedom of not having to wear make-up and being able to give my skin a little break from time to time has been doing it a favor really.
4. Rosé and friends, without the stress
The boozy-video calls have truly become a favorite of mine! I get to interact with my different friend groups and get tipsy in the process - all without having to leave home, spend time on doing make-up, and waste money on a taxi. Anything that will save me money & time is a winner in my book and I know I will miss these video calls when things finally get back to normal.
5. A dog-friendly workspace
Every dog owner reading this will understand the struggle of having to leave your fur baby at home for 8+ hours every day. Now that I work from home, my home IS my work and I can play & interact with Daisy (pictured below) any time I want. She's also a great companion when I need to de-stress.
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