Like many people, I've spent the last 2 years adjusting to the new way of life. I've noticed some pretty groundbreaking changes in my behaviour - sounds very serious, I know, but what I mean is that, quite frankly, I less about stuff.
Pre-pandemic, I would worry about not travelling enough, not socialising enough, not DOING enough...That's now gone. The fact I *couldn't* do any of these things due to factors outside of my control, made me feel at ease.
It allowed me to slow down and focus on myself. Something I would've probably never thought to have done otherwise. It's kind of mad to think that it took a whole pandemic to get me to change my mindset.
I read a bunch of books, picked up new hobbies and minimized my use of make-up. I mean, what's the point of putting all of that effort in for a work Zoom call? Instead, I did what every other girl has done - I upgraded my skincare routine and consumed a tonne of banana bread. I regret nothing - my skin is the SOFTEST it has ever been, and baking has been a nice distraction.
Other lockdown hobbies consisted of dying my hair pink, attempting to play the flute and spending hours on Duolingo, because who knows, learning a handful of random phrases in different languages might come in useful one day. 🤷
I hope to be more consistent with this blog, use it as my public diary, a safe space for sharing my honest thoughts and reflections, just like I've done 2+ years ago. And if you're checking in after all this time, I appreciate you very much, and promise to do better!
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