Our level of responsibility increases as we grow older. We change, inside and out, develop new relationships and focus on the future.
Future education, jobs, relationships, maybe buying a house. That's all well and good, we have to keep growing, learning, progressing....that's human nature.
But while we try to find our feet in this new stage of life, let's not forget about the inner child. It's that priceless part of you that is absolutely unique, raw, and selfless.
As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term 'inner child' refers to ''a person's supposed original or true self, especially when regarded as concealed in adulthood.''
Why connecting with your inner child is important - 2 key benefits:
1. Becoming more curious, motivated, and energized...
The inner child and its curiosity, creativity, and zest for life are uncanny. The sad part? We tend to lose a lot of these traits as we grow older.
Reconnecting with the inner child allows for the recovery of these traits, resulting in a happier, more fulfilling life.
The world-famous quote from poet, Oscar Wilde, encompasses this idea perfectly: ''To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that's all.''
The inner child wants to live, rather than merely exist. That's for sure!
Listen to your inner child and remind yourself of the different interests and hobbies that were important to you in your childhood. Whether you really enjoyed riding your bike, collecting objects, dancing, or painting - would bringing any of these back into your life bring joy?
2. Healing from old pain and recovering from past traumas
On the other side of the spectrum, we've also got the challenges that we've had to face as kids.
Speaking to our inner child with care and compassion can help us heal from painful experiences, allowing us to move forward without carrying emotional baggage.
Take a step back to analyze any hurtful experiences, express how you felt, and accept these experiences as the past that no longer defines you.
Connecting with your inner child can bring an array of benefits within the different spheres of life. Whether you choose to communicate with your younger self by meditating, looking back on childhood pictures, or writing a letter, it is never too late to take a step back in order to progress and become a happier version of yourself.
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